Friday, October 25, 2013

12 Facts and Myths on Laser Hair Removal

Getting rid of unwanted hairs is now made possible through the use of advanced technology. Yes, you can get flawless and hairless skin thanks to these new-age machines that can quickly and painlessly zap the hairs like it never even existed! But before you go right ahead and sign up for a treatment it is important that you know the facts and clarify the handful of myths that go around about this procedure.

Myth: Laser hair removal hurts.

Fact: With the previous machines there is indeed some discomfort associated with the procedure. The sensation is similar to a rubber band being snapped on the skin, however new laser systems available today highly consider patient’s comfort. They are now equipped with a cooling system that can significantly lessen the sting.

But it is also important to consider the pain threshold of each person because this can vary. What may be tolerable for one may already be painful to the other. In these cases, an anaesthetic cream can be applied all over the area to numb it.

Myth: Laser hair removal can be harmful to your health, and it can affect your internal organs.

Fact: Laser hair removal is a generally safe procedure. It does not hurt any internal organ because the depth of penetration can only go as much as 1-4 mm deep. This much is enough to destroy the hair bulbs.

Related Post: The Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal

Myth: It can take many years for laser hair removal to work.

Fact: This is not true because lasers promise a speedier hair removal treatment that provides sure results. There are even some laser systems that can already show impressive results after a session.

Myth: Laser hair treatment doesn't really provide permanent results.

Fact: Laser hair removal treatment may not provide complete results after one, two or three treatments, but over time, it can permanently get rid of unwanted hairs. This is the reason why this treatment has become widely popular, and that is because of the results that it is able to create.

Myth: Laser hair removal can result to ingrown hairs.

Fact: Unlike shaving or other hair removal method that can cause ingrown hairs, laser hair removal can prevent this from happening. Laser hair removal is even the recommended for ingrown hairs and razor bumps.

Myth: Laser hair removal cannot be used on sensitive areas like the face.

Fact: Laser hair removal treatments can be used safely on any part of the body. The most requested areas of treatment include the upper lip, bikini areas and the underarms. 

Myth: Laser hair removal treatment is expensive.

Fact: Yes, laser hair removal can be pricey from the get go, but if you look at the long term, you are saving yourself a fortune and even some skin mishaps associated with other hair removal options.

Myth: All of the lasers used for this procedure are the same.

Fact: The lasers used by each clinic or salon are not the same. There are different type of lasers and what is used and the settings they are in can have a significant effect on the outcome and comfort level of the patient.

Myth: You need to shave in between treatments

Fact: There is no need to shave within treatments, in fact it is even preferred not to so that the aesthetician can have a more thorough and accurate removal. Should anything arise where you have to shave it is best to do so with an electric razor.

Myth: Laser hair removal can cause the hair to grow more.

Fact: The truth here is that this treatment can get rid of unwanted hair, however body changes and aging can make you lose body hair in some places and grow in other areas. Even though laser is able to destroy hair follicles, it cannot prevent the body from developing new ones in other places.

Myth: Laser hair removal can expose you to radiation.

Fact: Laser does not emit radiation at all. The only place where radiation is present is in between the light barriers of the laser. There is no need to worry because this does not get spread out of the confined space, and it does not pose any danger to the one being treated.

Myth: You can permanently get rid of hairs with just a long session.

Fact: Every doctor or aesthetician would tell you that it is impossible to do permanent hair removal in just one session. The reason for that is because hair grows at different cycles and laser works best for those follicles which are in active phase. Therefore, you cannot target everything all at once. The best way to get rid of all the hair follicles is to wait for them to grow. But it would really take several sessions for this treatment to provide optimum results.

If you have more questions about laser hair removal or to find out more about what can be done for unpleasant hair, please don't hesitate to contact us at +63 917 625 2797 or visit our official website:


  1. Your blog is much effective. Best Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi Thank you for sharing information.

  2. If you want to remove hair above the skin's surface then that is most likely a temporary method, also called depilation. Shaving, trimming, using creams or powders that dissolve hair or using rough surfaces to rub off hair are temporary methods. 真空除毛
